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Kennedy Debunked | Vol. 1

Kennedy Debunked 

“RFK Jr.’s Campaign is Broke”

June 19, 2024

Reality: Within the landscape of third-party and independent candidates, Kennedy’s campaign is not only financially strong but also highly competitive. While Joe Biden and Donald Trump brag about raising millions of dollars in one night, RFK Jr. is focused on addressing why 17% of people couldn’t pay all their bills last month, 27% skipped medical treatment because of the cost, 37% can’t afford a $400 emergency, and 52% cannot afford a $2,000 emergency.


On 06/15/2024, Politico published this article. It says, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign is on financial life support.” This is far from the truth.

Cash on Hand

Here is how much Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Cornel West have raised according to the FEC.

Joe Biden (Democratic Party):

  • Receipts: $194,773,233.44
  • Disbursements: $110,548,279.91
  • Ending Cash on Hand: $84,485,428.90

Donald Trump (Republican Party):

  • Receipts: $124,151,212.64
  • Disbursements: $75,087,164.04
  • Ending Cash on Hand: $49,064,048.60

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Independent):

  • Receipts: $44,029,356.48
  • Disbursements: $33,842,903.49
  • Ending Cash on Hand: $10,186,452.99

Cornel West (Third Party):

  • Receipts: $1,157,202.17
  • Disbursements: $1,141,820.83
  • Ending Cash on Hand: $15,381.34

When compared to third-party candidates like Cornel West, Kennedy’s campaign finances are robust. Kennedy has raised nearly 40 times more than Cornel West, highlighting his financial advantage in the third-party landscape. Although a third party automatically gives you a disadvantage, Kennedy is the fourth highest fundraiser of all presidential candidates for 2024.

“Broke” is also a relative term. To Republicans and Democrats who have billionaires as donors, ten million dollars might not seem like a lot. For everyday Americans who have to put groceries back on the shelf because they can’t afford them or skip meals altogether, ten million is a lot of money.

What Really Matters:

While Biden and Trump boast about raising millions of dollars in short time frames, many Americans are struggling with basic necessities:

Biden raised $30 million in one night at a Hollywood fundraiser. Trump raised $141 million in just a few days following a legal verdict.

In stark contrast, Americans face rising household debt, unaffordable living costs, and economic insecurity. Kennedy’s Real State of the Union address highlights these issues, emphasizing that:

New Wealth: The wealth of the past generation has disproportionately benefited billionaires, leaving the middle class behind.

Public and Household Debt: U.S. public debt has soared to $34 trillion, and household debt has hit a record high of $17.3 trillion.

True Unemployment: Including discouraged workers, the true unemployment rate is 23%.

Living Costs: Many Americans struggle with housing, groceries, and child care costs.

Economic Despair: The economic situation leaves many fearing a single emergency could push them into homelessness.

Conclusion: Kennedy’s Campaign is Financially Strong

The narrative that Kennedy is financially struggling is inaccurate when viewed through the proper context of third-party politics. His campaign is financially solid, especially when compared to other independent candidates like Cornel West. The real issue lies in the stark contrast between the fundraising of major political campaigns and the economic hardships faced by ordinary Americans, which Kennedy is committed to addressing.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is focused on tackling these core issues, ensuring that the economic struggles of everyday citizens are at the forefront of his campaign.